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Custom Webinars for Corporate Compliance

Need to train your staff on legal compliance?
Strafford can help with our custom content webinars. Our corporate programs will provide your staff with the necessary training and establish a record of compliance effort.

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Full technical production on a webinar platform that can be accessed simultaneously from all your locations

A dedicated attorney or accountant to help create the custom curriculum, syllabus and outline

Recruitment of speakers who are among the top practitioners in the country

Content that can be tailored to meet your specific training needs

Potential Topics Include:

  • FCPA
  • OFAC
  • Medicare
  • Employment Law
  • Healthcare

Benefits of a Strafford Customized Webinar:

Ideal for professionals in different locations

You can decide how much you want to be involved in the development process

Ability to provide some of your own speakers  •  One set price; no additional fees or surprises

No lost travel time or travel expenses for participants  •  Interactive Q & A session

For additional information on a Strafford Custom Webinar please contact a Director of Business Development:

By Email:
By Phone: 1-800-926-7926