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CERCLA Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser Defense: Securing and Maintaining Liability Protection

Strategies for Overcoming BFPP Defense Challenges and Restrictions

A live 90-minute CLE video webinar with interactive Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Tuesday, April 15, 2025

1:00pm-2:30pm EDT, 10:00am-11:30am PDT

Early Registration Discount Deadline, Friday, March 21, 2025

or call 1-800-926-7926

This CLE webinar will guide counsel for parties involved in the purchase of a contaminated site to secure and maintain the CERCLA bona fide prospective purchaser (BFPP) defense. The panel will offer best practices for the redevelopment of contaminated sites in light of recent federal court decisions and EPA guidance.


The BFPP defense was introduced to encourage the redevelopment of contaminated properties by limiting purchaser liability under specific conditions. Before asserting a BFPP defense, purchasers must understand the strict requirements as well as all of the potential pitfalls. The Fourth Circuit's ruling in PCS Nitrogen v. Ashley II (2013) limited the availability of the BFPP defense and underscored the need for purchasers to tread carefully because they must successfully prove the required elements by a preponderance of the evidence in addition to fulfilling other statutory prerequisites.

The Ashley II decision and others on the BFPP defense have made real estate transactions involving BFPPs more complicated. These decisions put counsel on the alert that the courts and other potentially responsible parties will carefully scrutinize a BFPP defense. Additionally, the BFPP defense hinges on meeting "all appropriate inquiries" (AAI) standards established by the EPA. Conducting AAI requires the prospective purchaser to make certain disclosures in connection with the preparation of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). The standard for Phase I ESAs was updated in 2023.

Counsel to parties involved in CERCLA litigation should proceed with caution to avoid potential severe pitfalls when seeking to qualify for the BFPP defense.

Listen as our authoritative panel of environmental law attorneys examines recent court decisions, analyzes the implications of and lessons from those decisions, and outlines how to approach asserting or confronting challenges to a BFPP defense. The panel will also discuss the potential impact of the new Trump administration on the BFPP defense and offer best practices for the redevelopment of contaminated sites in light of current case law and guidance.



  1. CERCLA and the BFPP defense
  2. Court treatment of BFPP defense
  3. Best practices to get and maintain the BFPP defense


The panel will review these and other key issues:

  • What factors should purchasers consider before agreeing to indemnify prior owners of a contaminated property?
  • What are the lessons from recent court decisions for utilizing the BFPP defense?
  • What steps should purchasers and counsel take to maintain CERCLA liability protection after acquiring an interest in a contaminated property?
  • What is the potential impact of the Trump administration on the BFPP defense?


Otis, Andrew
Andrew D. Otis

Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel

Mr. Otis provides strategic, insightful and cost-effective solutions to address the environmental remediation,...  |  Read More

Warren, Charles
Charles S. Warren

McLaughlin & Stern

Mr. Warren, Partner Environmental practice, recognized as one of the pre-eminent lawyers in his field, counsels and...  |  Read More

Attend on April 15

Early Discount (through 03/21/25)

Cannot Attend April 15?

Early Discount (through 03/21/25)

You may pre-order a recording to listen at your convenience. Recordings are available 48 hours after the webinar. Strafford will process CLE credit for one person on each recording. All formats include course handouts.

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