Critical Tax Considerations for Installment Sale Transactions: Deal Structures and Planning Techniques for Tax Counsel
Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE/CPE video webinar with Q&A
This CLE/CPE webinar will guide counsel and tax professionals on critical tax provisions that could substantially affect the structuring and planning of installment sale transactions for business acquisitions. The panel will discuss critical tax provisions under current tax law for installment sales, certain tax-related aspects of M&A negotiations requiring careful considerations, and best practices to avoid tax pitfalls for M&A deals structured as installment sale transactions.
- Structuring installment sale transactions in M&A
- Seller's considerations in negotiating the transaction
- Buyer's considerations in negotiating the transaction
- Contractual protections
- Key tax implications and planning strategies
- Federal tax benefits and challenges
- State tax considerations and limitations
- Opting out of installment sale reporting
- Scenarios and best practices for counsel and tax professionals
The panel will review these and other critical issues:
- Key tax considerations when negotiating and structuring installment sale transactions in M&A
- How to properly negotiate and draft tax indemnification provisions in a sale agreement
- Key issues and pitfalls to avoid from both seller and buyer perspectives
- Federal and state tax pitfalls to avoid
- Pros and cons of opting out of installment sale reporting
- Best practices for M&A counsel and tax professionals

Elizabeth Fialkowski Stieff
Ms. Stieff focuses her practice on tax advisory and planning matters for domestic entities and individuals. She... | Read More
Ms. Stieff focuses her practice on tax advisory and planning matters for domestic entities and individuals. She regularly provides transactional tax advice on a range of matters, including mergers, acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures, private equity transactions, and fund formation. Ms. Stieff also works with clients on business formation and operational issues, including choice of entity, capital raises, equity incentive planning, and the like. In addition, she has experience working with clients to structure investments and transactions involving real estate investment trusts and qualified opportunity zone funds.