Dealing with PBGC Reportable Events: A Practical Guide for Employers and Their Advisors
Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE webinar with Q&A
This CLE course will provide practical guidance on meeting the challenges posed by the reportable events rules, with a focus on how those rules interact with the PBGC’s Early Warning Program.
- PBGC Involvement in Corporate and Plan Events, Transactions, and Trends
- Types of Corporate and Plan Events, Transactions, and Trends of Concern
- PBGC’s Information Needs and Desires
- Understanding the New PBGC Reportable Events Requirements
- Dealing with PBGC Reporting: Strategies and Pitfalls
- Settling Disputes with PBGC: Strategies and Pitfalls
The panel will discuss these and other important topics:
- How can employers ensure that potential reportable events are properly identified based on coordination among multiple controlled group entities and their advisors?
- What are the key reporting requirements that are most likely to be overlooked by employers and their advisors, and what options are available to deal with penalty assessments?
- How can employers deal effectively with reportable event issues in the context of loan and other corporate agreements?
- What steps is PBGC likely to take in response to a reportable event filing, and how can employers deal effectively with PBGC demands for additional funding of pension plans?

Harold J. Ashner
Keightley & Ashner
Mr. Ashner's nationally-recognized boutique law firm in Washington, DC, practices in a broad range of areas... | Read More
Mr. Ashner's nationally-recognized boutique law firm in Washington, DC, practices in a broad range of areas relating to employee benefits and employment law. He previously served as Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and Regulations at PBGC, where he drafted or supervised virtually all regulations and policies issued by PBGC from 1988 until he left the agency in early 2005, along with PBGC’s General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel, to form Keightley & Ashner LLP. He is the author of several publications on PBGC-related matters and a frequent speaker on such matters at professional conferences, serves in various leadership roles with the American Bar Association, and is routinely retained by major law firms, actuarial consulting firms, investment banking firms, and employers to deal with PBGC-related issues.
Constance A. Donovan
Participant and Plan Sponsor Advocate
Pension Benefit Guaranty
Ms. Donovan is the Participant and Plan Sponsor Advocate at the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). She was... | Read More
Ms. Donovan is the Participant and Plan Sponsor Advocate at the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). She was selected by the PBGC Board of Directors to serve in this newly created position under ERISA. The Advocate helps participants with the full attainment of their rights in plans trusteed by the corporation and assists plan sponsors in resolving disputes with the corporation. Ms. Donovan’s prior government service includes the U.S. Department of Treasury, and the Department of Labor. She was the Chief Executive Officer of the New Hampshire Retirement System, and the former General Counsel and Executive Director of the District of Columbia Retirement Board. Ms. Donovan spent most of her career in business with NCR Corporation.
Deborah A. Tully, FSA
Pine Cliff Consulting
Ms. Tully's firm specializes in actuarial consulting that focuses on retirement plan financial management,... | Read More
Ms. Tully's firm specializes in actuarial consulting that focuses on retirement plan financial management, strategy, and compliance. She has extensive experience with complex retirement and benefits issues including communications to senior leaders, board members, investors, legislators and regulators.She has testified on pension issues before Congress and is a current member of the ERISA Advisory Council to the Department of Labor. Prior to joining her firm, she was the Senior Director of Compensation & Benefits Finance for Raytheon Company. Before joining Raytheon, she was a consulting actuary with Mercer, Aon and Buck Consultants.