Divorce: Saving Asset Division from Defective, Poorly Drafted QDROs and Closing Documents
Recording of a 90-minute CLE video webinar with Q&A
This CLE course will offer family law attorneys best strategies and solutions to righting the problems created by defectively drafted or improperly administered qualified domestic relations orders (QDROs) for defined benefit and defined contribution plans. The program will also identify some of the most common causes of defective QDROs and how to avoid them.
- Overview of QDRO and ERISA requirements
- Common QDRO procedural, drafting, and administration mistakes
- Best strategies for correcting common errors
- Common drafting errors in final decrees and closing documents
The panel will review these and other key issues:
- What plan discovery information should be requested and reviewed before drafting a QDRO?
- Should you trust a plan's QDRO sample language?
- What are the most common types of errors?
- What is the ideal timing for initiation of an expert?

Kelly L. Burris
Senior Litigation Partner
Cordell & Cordell
Ms. Burris has settled and litigated complex custody cases and property cases involving multi-million dollar estates.... | Read More
Ms. Burris has settled and litigated complex custody cases and property cases involving multi-million dollar estates. She has also successfully litigated child custody relocation cases.
Michael M. Mantia
Senior Litigation Attorney
Cordell & Cordell
Mr. Mantia is lead counsel for Cordell & Cordell’s retirement benefits department. He focuses his efforts on... | Read More
Mr. Mantia is lead counsel for Cordell & Cordell’s retirement benefits department. He focuses his efforts on the review of qualified retirement plans, seeking identification of applicable benefits and the division thereof. The division of these qualified plans is governed largely by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the Retirement Equity Act (REA), the Internal Revenue Code, and the Department of Labor. Division eligibility varies greatly for each plan. The interplay between federal and state law complicates things even further. Mr. Mantia works closely with qualified fund administrators in order to find equitable division terms that are acceptable and available to each plan.