Environmental Regulatory Update: State Action, Federal Exemptions, Spill Reporting, Superfund Cleanup
Recording of a 90-minute CLE webinar with Q&A
This CLE course will provide information on the federal and state guidelines related to continued environmental regulation, remediation, and enforcement in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Overview of COVID-Related Environmental Policies
- Federal (U.S. EPA/DOT/OSHA)
- States
- Local
- Impacts on Specific Regulatory Programs
- CAA/CWA/Release Reporting
- Cleanups (CERCLA/RCRA)
- “Essential Businesses”
- If work continues, how is it performed safely
- Defenses
- Force majeure/Model EPA consent decree provisions
- Risk for Companies that Rely on COVID Policies
- Challenges to EPA/State/Local COVID policies
- Citizen suits
- Best Practices for Environmental Compliance in a Black Swan Event
This panel will review these and other key issues:
- How to handle environmental spill reporting and compliance
- The ability to continue Superfund remediation while addressing environmental compliance, labor issues, supply chain
- When and how to invoke force majeure and delay clauses during COVID-19

Marcia Mulkey
Of Counsel
Cozen O'Connor
Ms. Mulkey works on a wide range of federal and governmental regulatory matters and environmental issues and related... | Read More
Ms. Mulkey works on a wide range of federal and governmental regulatory matters and environmental issues and related transactions. She delivers insightful and informed advice and services to the firm's clients across a broad range of legal matters. Ms. Mulkey has a special interest in environmental compliance and enforcement, chemical regulation, and matters connected to her recently concluded service with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, where she long served as regional counsel for the Mid-Atlantic region along with positions as national director of the offices of pesticides programs, site remediation enforcement, and policy, economics, and innovation.
Steven M. Siros
Jenner & Block
Mr. Siros is chair of the Environmental Litigation Practice and co-chair of the Environmental Workplace Health and... | Read More
Mr. Siros is chair of the Environmental Litigation Practice and co-chair of the Environmental Workplace Health and Safety Practice. He focuses primarily on environmental and toxic tort matters. Corporations seek his counsel on complex CERCLA and RCRA matters and cases involving toxic tort and natural resource damages. Mr. Siros counsels policyholders in insurance coverage disputes relating to environmental issues, advises on regulatory compliance issues, and assists clients on a variety of climate change and sustainability issues. He also manages the environmental aspects of numerous real estate and corporate transactions and helps clients perform environmental compliance audits at facilities around the world.