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Ethically Representing Clients With Adverse Interests: Assessing What Needs To Be Disclosed, How and When Legal Adverseness Requires Action

A live 90-minute CLE video webinar with interactive Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Wednesday, April 30, 2025

1:00pm-2:30pm EDT, 10:00am-11:30am PDT

Early Registration Discount Deadline, Friday, April 4, 2025

or call 1-800-926-7926

This CLE webinar will guide both litigators and transactional attorneys in distinguishing between a prohibited representation that is directly adverse to concurrent, joint or former clients, disclosures, waivers and a permitted representation. The program will review scenarios where conflicts are relatively straightforward but focus on those situations where determining the existence of a material adverse interest is difficult. The panel will also discuss the propriety--and effectiveness--of attempting to navigate, create or reconcile "direct adverse interests" through disclosure, consent and/or adequate waivers, and when that might not be possible.


Because individual State Rules of Professional Conduct and the Model Rules of Professional Conduct prohibit an attorney (and any other attorneys within the firm) from representing a client that is "directly adverse to another client on the same or substantially related matter," attorneys must understand just how far the requirement of "directly adverse" extends.

Answering this crucial question depends entirely on the nature and circumstances of the different representations. The adverseness must be legal and not merely economic, but the lines can be blurred.

Clients may try to restrict an attorney from representing competitors or define "client" so broadly that a lawyer must forego a host of potential future clients.

Listen as our expert panel guides counsel through the issues related to conflicts of interest that can arise from the attorney’s  responsibilities to concurrent or joint clients, former clients, and even prospective clients, as well as best practices or strategies to attempt to mitigate risk and comply with the applicable Rules.



  1. Relevant rules and how to identify a conflict
  2. Potential conflicts of interest rules and conflict resolution
  3. Lateral moves
  4. Potential adversity with concurrent, joint or former clients, and what disclosures and potential waivers need to sought
  5. Potential personal conflicts of interest
  6. Over extensive outside counsel guidelines
  7. Hot potato rule


The panel will discuss these and other key issues:

  • How do you identify potential conflicts and navigate those?
  • What are the requisite disclosures that need to be made when a conflict is identified?
  • What potential conflicts can arise when representing concurrent or joint clients, and when do you have to advise joint clients those potential conflicts preclude further potential joint representation?
  • When do an attorney's relationships create a potential conflict requiring disclosure to the client and informed consent?
  • Is attacking a attorney’s prior work, or cross-examining a former client a material adverse representation?
  • Can an attorney voice opposition or adversely advocate on a social or community issue that even partially relates to representation of a former client?
  • Can or should an attorney represent a client with whom the attorney disagrees on a public issue? Can a lawyer advocate a position in one case contrary to the one advocated previously?


Krauss, Geri
Geri S. Krauss

Managing Member
Krauss PLLC

Ms. Krauss is a respected litigator and recognized expert on complex issues relating to professional partnerships....  |  Read More

Lefkowitz, David
David Lefkowitz

The Lefkowitz Firm LLC

Mr. Lefkowitz represents individuals and companies (corporations, LLCs, PCs, etc.) in their claims for legal...  |  Read More

Parker, Port
Port J. Parker

CEO/Managing Partner
Parker Taylor Law Group APC

Mr. Parker has more than 25 years of experience in innumerable areas of law. He specializes in complex civil, tort, and...  |  Read More

Attend on April 30

Early Discount (through 04/04/25)

Cannot Attend April 30?

Early Discount (through 04/04/25)

You may pre-order a recording to listen at your convenience. Recordings are available 48 hours after the webinar. Strafford will process CLE credit for one person on each recording. All formats include course handouts.

To find out which recorded format will provide the best CLE option, select your state:

CLE On-Demand Video