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How to Conduct Workplace Investigations: Managing Complaints of Employee Misconduct

Pre-Investigation Considerations, Witness Selection, Interview Preparation, Confidentiality and Privilege

A live 60-minute CLE video webinar

Thursday, March 13, 2025 (in 3 days)

1:00pm-2:00pm EDT, 10:00am-11:00am PDT

or call 1-800-926-7926

This CLE webinar will guide new employment attorneys through the process of conducting workplace investigations into alleged employee misconduct including harassment and discrimination. The panel will address pre-investigation considerations, offer best practices for conducting interviews and making client recommendations, and discuss confidentiality and privilege issues.


When an employer client receives a complaint of potential employee misconduct, such as sexual harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, counsel should know how to guide the employer through the investigation process and/or how to conduct the investigation to determine the employer's potential liability exposure and be able to offer recommendations on possible corrective action.

New attorneys must become familiar with the workplace investigation process--from the initial fact-finding conversation with the client, to establishing the scope of the investigation and selecting key witnesses, to drafting the investigation report and recommendations. Additionally, counsel should understand privilege and confidentiality considerations when conducting investigations.

Listen as our expert panel guides new employment attorneys through the process of conducting workplace investigations. The panel will offer best practices and discuss pitfalls to avoid.



  1. Introduction: when to conduct a workplace investigation
  2. Pre-investigation considerations
    1. Identifying the scope of the investigation
    2. Initial client information gathering
    3. Managing employee issues during the investigation (e.g., when the alleged harasser is the supervisor/manager)
  3. Identifying key witnesses
  4. Interview preparation
  5. Confidentiality and privilege considerations
    1. Upjohn warning
    2. Documentation
  6. Conducting interviews and evaluating evidence
  7. Drafting investigation reports and recommendations
  8. Best practices and pitfalls to avoid


The panel will review these and other important considerations:

  • When is a workplace investigation necessary?
  • How should counsel determine the scope of the investigation? Select key witnesses?
  • What are best practices for interviewing witnesses and evaluating evidence?
  • What confidentiality and privilege considerations should counsel be aware of when conducting workplace investigations?


Barr, Abigail
Abigail Barr

Ice Miller

Ms. Barr focuses her practice on helping employers avoid and resolve labor and employment law issues. She has extensive...  |  Read More

Rhodes, Jeffrey
Jeffrey L. Rhodes

McInroy, Rigby & Rhodes

Mr. Rhodes advises companies and executives, representing them in the structuring, drafting and defending of...  |  Read More

Attend on March 13

Cannot Attend March 13?

You may pre-order a recording to listen at your convenience. Recordings are available 48 hours after the webinar. Strafford will process CLE credit for one person on each recording. All formats include course handouts.

To find out which recorded format will provide the best CLE option, select your state:

CLE On-Demand Video