IC-DISC vs. FDII Tax Incentives: Determining When a Taxpayer Can Use Both Methods to Maximize Tax Benefits
Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE/CPE video webinar with Q&A
This CLE/CPE webinar will provide tax counsel and advisers guidance on utilizing the Interest-Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation (IC-DISC) and Foreign-Derived Intangible Income (FDII) export tax incentives and circumstances where both may be used by taxpayers. The panelist will discuss the IC-DISC vs. FDII regime and related benefits, basic and more advanced structures and challenges, circumstances where taxpayers would favor IC-DISC benefits over FDII benefits and vice versa, and offer case studies and examples of when a taxpayer may be able to take advantage of both IC-DISC and FDII benefits.
- IC-DISC regime
- FDII deduction
- Determining which is best: IC-DISC or the FDII deduction?
- Taxpayers who favor IC-DISC benefits over FDII benefits
- Taxpayers who favor FDII benefits over IC-DISC benefits
- Complex structures
- "Brother-sister" vs. parent-subsidiary
- Trusts and/or blocker corporations as intermediary structures
- Deferral opportunities
- Case studies
The panelist will discuss these and other key issues:
- Features and tax benefits of IC-DISC and FDII structures
- Circumstances where taxpayers would favor IC-DISC benefits over FDII benefits and vice versa
- Determining when a taxpayer may be able to take advantage of both IC-DISC and FDII benefits
- Complex structures, opportunities, and pitfalls to avoid

Neel Modha
Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt
Mr. Modha's practice focuses on international tax, specializing in international tax consulting and compliance... | Read More
Mr. Modha's practice focuses on international tax, specializing in international tax consulting and compliance services. He works on a variety of international tax issues that affect individuals, corporations and partnerships.