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New State Digital Tax Rules: Multistate Sales Tax Issues, Best Practices

Identifying Sales Tax Exposure, Sourcing, Apportionment, Determining Tax Liability, Reporting and Remittance

Note: CLE credit is not offered on this program

Recording of a 110-minute CPE webinar with Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CPE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford CPE+ Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Conducted on Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Recorded event now available

This course will provide sales and use tax advisers and compliance professionals with a thorough and practical guide to overcoming state digital tax laws, collections, and reporting challenges. The panel will discuss recent state tax rules on digital goods and services, advertising and the influence of the Multistate Tax Commission, Streamline Sales Tax and global digital taxation developments. The panel will also discuss sourcing challenges to determine tax liability and identify nuances in managing sales and use tax collection and reporting regime.


Post-Wayfair, certain jurisdictions have imposed new taxes on digital goods and services, including advertising, IT-platforms, cloud computing, and other data services. Tax advisers must grasp a complete understanding of evolving state tax laws to effectively manage their state tax footprint.

In addition to handling state sales and use tax challenges--such as separating state sales tax on invoices, sourcing transactions and nexus--tax advisers must now grapple with states over new items and revenues in their sales tax base.

Recently, Maryland became the first state to enact a tax on digital advertising, which imposes a tax on the gross revenues derived from digital advertising services, with multiple states considering similar tax rules and nexus standards. The panel will provide updates on challenges Maryland is having enforcing this tax, including delayed enforcement.

Other states, such as Colorado, have revamped their sales and use tax system to include taxing digital goods and services. States with home rule cities also create increased complexity for taxpayers. Tax staff should understand the impact of these state and local tax law developments, approaches to filing, exemptions, and other key challenges in maintaining sales and use tax compliance.

Listen as our panel discusses recent state tax law developments, nexus standards, and key concepts with digital taxation in a multistate context.



  1. Digital tax trends and recent state developments
  2. Sourcing transactions
  3. Additional influences on state tax law
  4. Digital tax collection and filing requirements


The panel will discuss these and other key issues:

  • Recent state tax law developments on digital taxation
  • Grasping the meaning of important state tax law developments for sourcing and nexus
  • State tax agency administration of digital taxation and more


Roberts, Stacey
Stacey L. Roberts, CPA

State and Local Tax Director

Ms. Roberts has been making state and local tax (SALT) less taxing for thousands of businesses over the last 25 years....  |  Read More

Vorndran, Judith
Judith B. Vorndran, JD, CPA, MSBA


Ms. Vorndran helps clients and tax professionals navigate the morass of state and local tax issues with the goal of...  |  Read More