Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance: Challenges and Planning Techniques for Tax Professionals
IRS Compliance and Enforcement, ECI vs. FDAP Income, Reporting Requirements, Exemptions, Deductions, Tax Credits
Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE/CPE video webinar with Q&A
This CLE/CPE course will provide tax counsel and compliance professionals guidance on the rules, reporting requirements, and available tax planning mechanisms for U.S. nonresident alien taxpayers. The panel will offer approaches for determining taxpayer classification, identifying and reporting income subject to U.S. income tax, available exemptions, deductions, and credits in light of recent IRS compliance campaigns, and tax planning tips for U.S. nonresident alien taxpayers.
- Overview of the rules and regulations regarding nonresident aliens and U.S. income tax system
- Determining taxpayer status, filing, and reporting requirements
- Classifying eligible income: ECI vs. FDAP
- Tax treaties and reducing or eliminating U.S. tax on nonresident alien income
- IRS' recent compliance campaign and handling issue-based examinations and audits
- Best practices for compliance and tax planning techniques for U.S. nonresident aliens
The panel will review these and other high priority issues:
- Tax rules and regulations applicable to U.S. nonresident aliens
- Criteria for determining a nonresident alien taxpayer
- Differences in tax reporting, rates, and withholdings between ECI and FDAP
- The effect of tax treaties the U.S. has with other countries
- Recent IRS compliance campaigns focused on nonresident alien taxpayers
- Best practices for compliance and tax planning techniques

Patrick J. McCormick, J.D., LL.M.
Rimon Law
Mr. McCormick specializes in the areas of international taxation and multinational trusts and estates. He has... | Read More
Mr. McCormick specializes in the areas of international taxation and multinational trusts and estates. He has published assorted national articles and given innumerous national and local presentations on assorted areas of international tax. He is licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.