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Opioids and Other Controlled Substances: Minimizing the Risks in Prescribing, Dispensing and Administering

Recording of a 90-minute CLE webinar with Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Conducted on Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Recorded event now available

or call 1-800-926-7926

This CLE course will guide healthcare counsel on the legal challenges and liability risks facing practitioners and pharmacists related to prescribing and dispensing controlled substances. The panel will discuss the enforcement environment and steps to minimize legal risks.


The opioid crisis is a national emergency. The rise in prescription opioid-related overdose deaths has increasingly led to liability and sanctions against those prescribing and dispensing the drugs. This crisis has increased focus on opioids by healthcare providers, law enforcement and the government. Physicians and other prescribing providers must carefully evaluate a patient's need for opioids and thoroughly document the reasoning for a prescription.

Proper documentation, prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances is the responsibility of the prescribing practitioner; the pharmacist has a corresponding liability. Practitioners and pharmacies who fail to meet the standards face malpractice claims, license suspensions, sanctions by state and federal authorities, and criminal charges under various federal and state laws. Healthcare attorneys must counsel clients on safeguards to minimize liability risks.

Listen as our authoritative panel examines legal challenges facing practitioners and pharmacists due to prescribing and dispensing opioids. The panel will offer guidance on steps to minimize the risks and review the current enforcement environment.



  1. Legal challenges facing providers
    1. Regulatory environment
    2. Prescribing via telemedicine
    3. Electronic prescriptions/E-authentication
  2. Steps to minimize risks of liability/risk management strategies
    1. Prescription drug monitoring
    2. Documentation
  3. Enforcement
    1. Federal laws
    2. State laws
    3. State licensing authorities


The panel will review these and other key issues:

  • What safeguards should physicians and other prescribing providers put in place in their prescription practice to minimize opioid-related liability risks?
  • How is the current enforcement environment impacting prescribing practices?
  • Does prescribing opioids using telemedicine create legal risks for healthcare providers?


Harvey, Kerry
Kerry B. Harvey

Dickinson Wright

Mr. Harvey has deep experience in leading legal teams tasked with solving complex problems. As U. S. Attorney for the...  |  Read More

Holmes, Lindsay
Lindsay P. Holmes


Ms. Holmes focuses her practice on regulatory and transactional matters primarily in the healthcare and life sciences...  |  Read More

Mazina, Natalia
Natalia Mazina

Mazina Law

Ms. Mazina offers extensive experience to healthcare providers in the areas of government investigations, including...  |  Read More

Wichern, Dennis
Dennis A. Wichern

Managing Partner
Prescription Drug Consulting

Mr. Wichern is a 30-year veteran of the DEA who formerly managed the Chicago Field Division. He currently assists...  |  Read More

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