PFAS in Drinking Water: EPA Landmark Final Rule Establishing MCLs; Costly Requirements; Compliance Timeline
Recording of a 90-minute CLE video webinar with Q&A
This CLE webinar will guide practitioners through the U.S. EPA's ground-breaking final rule, effective June 25, 2024, establishing the first enforceable federal regulations governing PFAS levels in drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The panel will discuss covered PFAS chemicals and the regulations' costly requirements for covered entities. The panel will also address interaction with CERCLA and state law and offer best practices for compliance.
- Introduction: history of the EPA's PFAS drinking water regulations
- EPA final rule
- Changes from the 2023 proposed rule
- Covered PFAS types
- Maximum contaminant levels and MCL goals
- Covered entities
- Required action
- PFAS monitoring/sampling
- Public notification
- PFAS reduction
- Compliance timeline
- Reporting requirements
- Rule's impact
- Public water systems
- Technology/capital improvements
- Costs
- Other water quality standards (e.g. groundwater)
- CERCLA and state remedial action plans
- Public water systems
- Enforcement
- State/local law interaction
- Practitioner takeaways
The panel will review these and other important considerations:
- How does the final rule differ from the proposed rule?
- Who are covered entities under the final rule?
- What monitoring, sampling, and reporting requirements does the rule impose, resulting in what potential costs to meet these requirements?
- How may the new rule impact Superfund sites?
- What is the compliance timeline for the new rule?

Bonnie Allyn Barnett
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
Ms. Barnett defends clients in large-scale environmental disputes and helps protect them with advice on regulatory... | Read More
Ms. Barnett defends clients in large-scale environmental disputes and helps protect them with advice on regulatory compliance and the environmental implications of business and real estate transactions. In addition to her more than 30 years of litigation and advisory experience, she is one of the country’s top Superfund lawyers and is valued for her experience with remediating contaminated sediment sites and helping clients with the allocation of remedial costs. Ms. Barnett represents clients in judicial and administrative enforcement actions and in large, multiparty cleanup cases, toxic tort class actions and contractual disputes over environmental liabilities and defends clients from citizens’ suits brought under federal and state environmental statutes. When clients require environmental assessments and audits, Ms. Barnett collaborates with consulting and engineering firms to help clients minimize penalty exposure by identifying compliance deficiencies and establishing or improving internal controls. She also helps clients assess environmental risks and associated economic impacts in transactions, and then structure those transactions to protect their interests, minimize their risk and advance their business goals.
Seth Kellogg, PG
Senior Principal Geologist
Geosyntec Consultants
Ms. Kellogg is a leader in evaluating and managing sites impacted by PFAS. She co-authored the first PFAS best... | Read More
Ms. Kellogg is a leader in evaluating and managing sites impacted by PFAS. She co-authored the first PFAS best practices guidance for the National Groundwater Association (NGWA) in 2018 and developed and facilitated the first NGWA "PFAS in Groundwater" workshop that same year. Ms. Kellogg frequently educates regulators and industry professionals on the unique challenges of managing, characterizing, and remediating PFAS and has advised congressional and state staff on PFAS policy. She is an advocate for Superfund reform and a scientifically based PFAS regulatory approach.
Aaron L. Szabo
Government and Regulatory Affairs Attorney
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
Mr. Szabo partners with clients to navigate complex environmental and energy issues. He provides advice on climate... | Read More
Mr. Szabo partners with clients to navigate complex environmental and energy issues. He provides advice on climate change, traditional air pollution and chemicals, as well as general administrative and environmental issues. Mr. Szabo has more than a decade of experience in federal environmental and energy policy. His executive branch career spanned three presidential administrations, during which time he counseled decisionmakers on environmental, energy and natural resource statutes and regulations; analyzed regulatory policies to identify potential legal issues; researched and evaluated proposed legislation to respond to congressional reports and prepare testimony; and acted as liaison with other federal agencies and state, local and tribal representatives. Mr. Szabo was involved in the development of multiple significant EPA climate and air regulations, including the Clean Power Plan, and oil and natural gas methane regulations. He also worked on the Council on Environmental Quality’s National Environmental Policy Act’s updated regulations and federal sustainability policies.