Property Tax Issues for Construction Work In Progress: Minimizing Property Tax on CWIP
Leveraging Capitalization Policies, Establishing Grounds for Challenging Assessments on Partially-Built Properties
Recording of a 110-minute CPE webinar with Q&A
This CPE course will provide corporate tax professionals and advisers with a practical guide to the various state property tax approaches to assessments and reporting valuation on partially complete, WIP and unoccupied real estate properties.
The panel will detail the various approaches key states take to valuation and imposition of property tax on work-in-progress properties, and identify key opportunities to leverage and traps to avoid in reporting property tax and challenging assessments.
- State/Local approaches to valuing Developments under construction/work-in-progress (WIP)
- Timing issues in assessments
- Constitutional issues and challenge opportunities
- Steps to determine assessment standards
The panel will discuss these and other key topics:
- What are the various state approaches to valuing and assessing property tax on construction-work-in-progress (CIP)?
- How do the three approaches to value – cost, sales comparison and income – apply to CWIP?
- What strategies and avenues are available to developers to challenge tax assessments on CWIP?

Elliott B. Pollack, Esq.
Pullman & Comley
Mr. Pollack is a member of his firm’s property tax and valuation section and editor of its quarterly newsletter... | Read More
Mr. Pollack is a member of his firm’s property tax and valuation section and editor of its quarterly newsletter Property Tax and Valuation Topics. He has litigated or settled several billion dollars of ad valorem and eminent domain property valuation cases. His articles on valuation issues have been widely published. He he has spoken on tax and valuation topics regularly before professional and trade groups.
Benjamin A. Blair
Mr. Blair concentrates his practice on state and local tax litigation, representing clients across the United States in... | Read More
Mr. Blair concentrates his practice on state and local tax litigation, representing clients across the United States in a wide range of industries. He also provides legislative solutions for clients through the drafting and passage of tax legislation. A frequent speaker and author on state and local tax issues, he is a contributor to the TaxHatchet blog and served as a regional co-editor of the ABA's Property Tax Deskbook. He has extensive experience helping taxpayers reduce the property tax burden on their investments. He counsels clients through complex issues involving state and local tax agencies.