Tax Complexities in the Sales and Purchases of S Corps: Asset vs. Stock Sales, Installment Sales, Critical Elections
Note: CLE credit is not offered on this program
Recording of a 110-minute CPE webinar with Q&A
This course will explain the significant factors purchasers and sellers should consider when acquiring or disposing of a Subchapter S corporation. Our panel of S corporation veterans will discuss the pros and cons of asset sales versus stock sales, qualifying for installment sales treatment as an S corporation, built-in gains tax, and the ultimate taxation of the shareholders.
- S corporations
- Asset purchases and sales
- Stock purchases and sales
- Installment sales
- Built-in gains
- Elections
- Section 338(g) and 338(h)(10)
- Section 336(e)
- The Type F reorganization
- Converting S corporation to QSub
- Converting QSub to SMLLC
The panel will cover these and other critical issues:
- Avoiding built-in gains tax on sales
- When an election under 338(h)(10) would result in significant tax savings
- Which S corporation sales are eligible for installment sale treatment
- How shareholders are taxed on dispositions

Professor Robert W. Jamison, CPA
Professor Emeritus of Accounting
Indiana University
Mr. Jamison is Professor Emeritus of Accounting at Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI). His... | Read More
Mr. Jamison is Professor Emeritus of Accounting at Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI). His principal area of specialization is S Corporations. He is the sole author of S Corporation Taxation, and co-author of Multistate Tax Guide to Pass-Through Entities, both of which are published annually by CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business. He is a regular contributor to Land Grant University Tax Education Foundation, Inc. National Income Tax Workbook and has contributed to Federal Tax Workshop. He presents advanced and update S Corporation seminars for various states' CPA societies and to other professional organizations. He is a member of the AICPA S Corporation Technical Resource Panel. He consults on S corporation and other business entity problems and has secured letter rulings from the IRS.
Kevin J. Walsh, CPA, CGMA
Walsh, Kelliher & Sharp, CPAs
Mr. Walsh special interest is in advising the owners of closely-held businesses. This interest has led to experience... | Read More
Mr. Walsh special interest is in advising the owners of closely-held businesses. This interest has led to experience and expertise in assisting closely-held business owners at every stage in the lifecycle of a business—from formation, strategic planning, expansion through acquisitions and mergers, as well as succession and transition planning, including business sales, redemptions and liquidations.