Settling Wage/Hour Claims: Weighing Settlement Options, Negotiating Damages, and Ensuring Court Approval
Recording of a 90-minute CLE webinar with Q&A
This CLE course will provide guidance to employment litigators for evaluating whether, when and how to settle a wage and hour class or collective action. The panel will discuss how damages should be calculated and tactics for increasing the likelihood of obtaining court approval of the settlement award.
- Evaluating when to consider settlement
- Assessing risk of exposure and calculating potential damages
- Obtaining enforceable settlement agreements
- Court-supervised settlements
- DOL-supervised settlements
The panel will review these and other key issues:
- What are the key factors for employment counsel to consider in determining whether settlement discussions are appropriate and the best options for settlement?
- What are best practices for calculating damages?
- What are the key considerations for counsel when structuring a settlement to meet clients’ best interests and obtain court approval?

Jessica Riggin
Rukin Hyland & Riggin
Ms. Riggin litigates individual and class action cases on behalf of employees, including claims for violations of wage... | Read More
Ms. Riggin litigates individual and class action cases on behalf of employees, including claims for violations of wage and hour and overtime laws, sexual harassment claims, whistleblower and retaliation claims, and discrimination and equal pay claims. She also advises executives and professionals in pre-litigation matters (for example, noncompetes agreements, severance agreements, and review of employment agreements). Ms. Riggin has been the co-author of the Plaintiffs’ Litigation Chapter of the California Wage and Hour Law Treatise published by the Continuing Education of the Bar.
Kevin M. Young
Seyfarth Shaw
Mr. Young is a Member of the firm’s Wage and Hour Litigation Practice Group. His practice includes defending... | Read More
Mr. Young is a Member of the firm’s Wage and Hour Litigation Practice Group. His practice includes defending employers in class and collective action lawsuits, representing clients facing agency investigations, and providing preventative counseling on a range of employment issues, with an emphasis on wage-and-hour compliance. Mr. Young’s caseload ranges from the most complex, such as lawsuits brought as “hybrid” actions in federal court and involving thousands of employees, to the more basic, such as single-plaintiff claims brought in state court under state law or common law theories.