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Updating Employee Handbook Policies in 2022: Leave Policies, Privacy, Remote Work, Wage and Hour Requirements

Recording of a 90-minute CLE video webinar with Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Conducted on Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Recorded event now available

or call 1-800-926-7926

This CLE course will address the rapidly changing current employment environment and updating employee handbooks to reflect the developing situation in the workplace. Legal restrictions and concerns at the federal, state, and local levels may affect employers' potential liability and the employer's response to the needs of evolving state leave policies, remote work, privacy issues, and new wage and hour requirements under current legislation. Counsel should be straightforward that policies need to be updated and relayed to employees for non-discriminatory enforcement.


The current economic climate and a rapidly evolving legal environment require employers and their counsel to review and update employee handbooks. Employer handbooks should include periodic updates, both temporary and permanent, evolving laws, and recent court rulings.

An updated handbook will need to address changes in state law addressing leave policies, including potential family medical leave and sick leave policies and privacy concerns. An employee handbook should also reflect work-from-home provisions and shifting FMLA requirements. Employers with out-of-date handbook provisions may incur liability.

The NLRB has challenged at-will disclaimers, social media policies, ambiguous and misleading language, restrictions on employee communications, and arbitration provisions in employee handbooks. The SEC implemented regulations that effectively discard certain confidentiality and nondisclosure provisions.

With a thorough understanding of the current legal status of employment laws at the state and federal levels, employment counsel can help ensure that employee handbooks legally and effectively address complex workplace issues.

Listen as our authoritative panel of employment attorneys provides legal and practical guidance for employment counsel to structure employee handbooks--including multistate and nationwide handbooks--that minimize liability risks for the employer.



  1. Recent developments impacting employee handbooks and policies
    1. State leave policies
      1. Family medical leave
      2. Required sick leave
      3. Other state-approved leave requirements
    2. Privacy
    3. Remote work
    4. Wage and hour requirements
    5. NLRB decisions
  2. Best practices for drafting employee handbooks
  3. Special issues for multistate employers


The panel will review these and other key issues:

  • What are the most common handbook provisions needed to comply with current CDC recommendations?
  • What handbook provisions are subject to the most NLRB scrutiny?
  • How can employee handbook provisions be drafted to avoid or void unintended legal liability?


Coggins, Krista
Krista L. Coggins

Managing Senior Consultant
Remedy Outside Counsel

Ms. Coggins is engaged in a diverse and varied practice of law, including contracts, criminal defense, and civil...  |  Read More

Koblin, Lisa
Lisa M. Koblin

Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr

Ms. Koblin assists employers with labor and employment disputes, including litigation of discrimination, harassment,...  |  Read More

Mesa, Chelsea
Chelsea D. Mesa

Seyfarth Shaw

Ms. Mesa’s practice focuses on advising employers concerning various employment-related issues, including...  |  Read More

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