Year-End Charitable Planning After Tax Reform: Qualified IRA Distributions, Stacking Strategies, Income Shifting
Recording of a 110-minute CPE webinar with Q&A
This course will provide fiduciaries and their tax advisers with a thorough and practical guide to year-end charitable planning in the wake of the 2017 tax overhaul. The panel will detail which charitable vehicles provide maximum tax savings after tax reform law, focusing on qualified charitable distributions from IRAs, complex trust transfers, and the impact of rising interest rates on various charitable trust structures.
- Key changes in 2017 tax reform law impacting tax benefits of charitable giving
- Increased standard deduction
- Repeal of Pease limitations
- Increased exemption amount for transfer taxes
- Qualified charitable distributions from IRAs
- Who can make them
- RMD calculations
- Ineligible recipients
- Shifting income to complex/non-grantor trusts
- "Stacking" of charitable contributions
- Trust structures and strategies
- Planning around possible repeal
- Risks and disallowed deductions
The panel will discuss these and other relevant topics:
- Using stacking or bunching strategies to maximize tax benefits by concentrating planned gifts in a single tax year
- Enhanced benefits of using qualified charitable distributions from IRAs to eliminate the tax bite of an RMD
- Benefits of shifting income to a complex/non-grantor trust to maximize tax savings on charitable gifts
- Impact of rising interest rates on charitable trust structures

Salvatore J. LaMendola
Giarmarco Mullins & Horton
Mr. LaMendola specializes in charitable planning and planning for retirement plan benefits. He is the editor of the... | Read More
Mr. LaMendola specializes in charitable planning and planning for retirement plan benefits. He is the editor of the firm’s E-Update, a monthly publication that summarizes several recent developments of interest to estate planners. He is also the assistant editor of the firm’s Newsletter, a quarterly publication that contains several articles on estate planning, business succession planning and charitable planning topics. He has been a member of the firm since 1996 and of the State Bar of Michigan since 1994.
Charles J. McLucas, Jr., CPA, PFS
Charitable Trust Administrators
Mr. McLucas focuses on charitable trust administration work and estate planning for high net worth individuals. He and... | Read More
Mr. McLucas focuses on charitable trust administration work and estate planning for high net worth individuals. He and his firm offer charitable trust administration services, third-party administrative services for donors who desire to be their own trustees, and full back office support for nonprofit organizations that do not have fully staffed planned giving departments. He is a frequent lecturer and published several articles on the use of charitable remainder unitrusts. He was previously employed with the Internal Revenue Service as a Revenue Agent.
Leon H. Rittenberg, III
Baldwin Haspel Burke & Mayer
Mr. Rittenberg's practice focuses on serving the needs of small and mid-sized businesses and their owners,... | Read More
Mr. Rittenberg's practice focuses on serving the needs of small and mid-sized businesses and their owners, including taxation, finance, estate planning, probate, real estate, mergers and acquisitions and related matters. He is a Board Certified Tax Specialist and Board Certified Estate Planning & Administration Specialist, as certified by the Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization. He frequently lectures in areas such as taxation, estate planning and maritime transactions.