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FRE 803 Hearsay Evidence: Leveraging the Rules and Exceptions to Admit Evidence or Make Su...
September 24, 2024 CLE Live Webinar
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE webinar will review the scope of the Federal Rules of Evidence hearsay rules and the most common and complex exceptions. The panel will outline best practices for either getting evidence admitted or making sustainable objections. The panel will also discuss the applicability of hearsay rule... Read More

Motions in Limine: Admitting Key Evidence, Educating the Court, Capturing Settlement Lever...
October 15, 2024 CLE Live Webinar
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will offer counsel new appreciation of the power and versatility of motions in limine to alter the course of litigation. The panel will guide counsel in how to use them proficiently and proactively to not only obtain rulings on critical pieces of evidence but also to educate the cour... Read More

Arbitration 2024: SCOTUS and Circuit Decisions Impacting Enforceability and Usefulness of...
August 20, 2024 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will guide commercial litigators and arbitration practitioners through the significant changes to arbitration law in 2023 and 2024, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions. The panel will explore issues resolved and challenges and opportunities revealed. Read More

Ethics of Witness Preparation Under ABA Formal Opinion 508: Avoiding Coaching
May 30, 2024 CLE, CLE Ethics CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE webinar will discuss the ethics of witness preparation in light of ABA Formal Opinion 508, "The Ethics of Witness Preparation." The panel will examine this essential skill, recurring witness preparation strategies, and practices, and will then debate and critique when some perfectly ethical... Read More

Leveraging Rule 68 Offers of Judgment in Settlement Negotiations
May 14, 2024 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will analyze Rule 68 offers of judgment and how they may induce settlement. The program will discuss the mechanics of the rule, strategic considerations defendants must consider in light of the consequences of making the offer, and factors for plaintiffs to contemplate in considering... Read More

Leveraging Depositions at Trial: Impeachment, Refreshing Recollection, Offer of Proof, Adm...
May 3, 2024 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will discuss the strategic and practical use of deposition testimony at trial under FRCP 32 and comparable state evidence rules. The program will cover using deposition testimony for impeachment, refreshing recollection, offer of proof, admission of a party opponent, and unavailable... Read More

FRE 902(13) and (14): Self-Authentication of ESI, Best Practices From Sedona Commentary on...
February 13, 2024 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE webinar will guide litigators in using Federal Rules of Evidence 902(13) and (14) to have records derived from electronic sources admitted into evidence. The panel will discuss the scope of the rules, state analogs, and avoiding unexpected stumbling blocks when obtaining the necessary certi... Read More

Requests for Admission: Achieving What Other Discovery Cannot, Reducing Costs, Supporting...
January 30, 2024 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE webinar will guide seasoned trial attorneys on the most effective use of requests for admission (RFAs) and the best response strategies. The panel will cover the underappreciated value of RFAs, their purposes, the proper scope of RFAs, how to respond and object adequately, and strategies to... Read More

Summary Judgment Evidence: Recognizing, Introducing, and Curing Evidence in Inadmissible F...
Strategies to Avoid Conflating the Evidentiary Standard on Summary Judgment...
December 19, 2023 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE webinar will discuss what practitioners should know about the unique and overlooked evidentiary standards on summary judgment if they want to give themselves--and their clients--the best chance of prevailing at the summary judgment stage. The program will also review analogous evidentiary i... Read More

Mobile Phone Evidence at Trial: Obtaining and Admitting Call Logs, Text Messages, and Loca...
August 15, 2023 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE webinar will guide litigators on obtaining and using cell phone evidence at trial, from issuing discovery requests to overcoming admissibility issues. Our panel will also discuss the function of expert witnesses in providing evidence on cell phone location, GPS, text messaging, and other co... Read More

Defending Punitive Damages Cases and Preventing Runaway Awards: New Approaches
July 18, 2023 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will discuss how to give the jury reasons not to award punitive damages even if it ultimately decides the client caused the alleged harm and should compensate the plaintiff. The panel will discuss important pre-trial considerations, legal protections available to the defendant, and c... Read More

Influencing the Jury Using and Objecting to Demonstrative Exhibits
Developing a Visual Strategy for Trial, Recognizing Misleading or Inaccurat...
July 11, 2023 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE webinar will instruct counsel in current best practices for using and objecting to demonstrative exhibits in depositions and at trial. The program will review the necessary foundations for allowing both traditional media and technology-created visuals to be sent out with the jury and when t... Read More

Combating Plaintiff Reptilian Tactics in Complex Litigation: Discovery, Voir Dire, Direct...
June 27, 2023 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will guide litigators on combating the trial strategy commonly known as the "reptile theory." The panel will educate counsel about identifying and responding to "reptile" tactics at every stage of a matter, from discovery through closing argument. Read More

Corporate Representative's Role and Testimony at Trial: When to Consider Appearance-Only...
Scope of Questioning, Prior Testimony, Appearance v. Rule 30(b)(6) Designee...
May 22, 2023 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE webinar will discuss the role of corporate representatives at trial and strategies for counsel either representing or opposing the company. The panel will discuss selecting "appearance" only representatives and those who have also been deposed under Federal Rule 30(b)(6). The panel will rev... Read More

Arbitration 2022: Recent Directives From the U.S. Supreme Court, Questions Resolved, Chall...
Post-Arbitral Proceedings, Enforceability and Waiver, FAA Exceptions, Preem...
August 2, 2022 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will guide commercial litigators and arbitration practitioners through the significant changes to arbitration law from several 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decisions. The panel will explore issues resolved, and challenges and opportunities revealed. Read More

Post-Arbitration Judicial Proceedings: Implementing Badgerow v. Walters and Returning to S...
How Badgerow May Shift the Balance of Power When Vacating or Confirming an...
June 16, 2022 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will explore the significant changes in post-arbitration proceedings after the U.S. Supreme Court's rejection in Badgerow of "look through" federal jurisdiction. The program will address how the nature of post-arbitration review has been altered and what moving a substantial number o... Read More

Strategies for Defending Indefensible Claims Ethically, Effectively, and Successfully
Recognizing Indefensible Claims, Providing Zealous Representation, Deployin...
March 24, 2022 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will explain how trial attorneys in high stakes litigation can navigate such things as client or witness illegal activity related or unrelated to the case, suspected witness or client perjury, changing stories, and suspicious activities, but still ethically represent the client. A fo... Read More

Leveraging Federal Rule of Evidence 1006: Using Summaries to Prove the Content of Volumino...
August 26, 2021 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will guide counsel on correctly using and applying Federal Rule of Evidence 1006 (and state counterparts) to admit summaries, charts, or calculations and prove the content of documents that are too "voluminous" to be conveniently viewed in court. The program will highlight some unusu... Read More

Non-Retained Experts: Leveraging the Opinions of Specialized Eye-Witnesses and Participant...
May 20, 2021 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will review the advantages and challenges of using non-retained experts in complex litigation. The panel will discuss how to identify non-retained experts, when some or all of the disclosure and reporting requirements of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26 apply, how to prevent waiver... Read More

Direct Examination: Making the Facts Understandable, Presenting Compelling and Credible Wi...
May 13, 2021 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will review how to be effective on direct examination so that the factfinder hears an interesting, articulate, and credible witness. The program will explore why direct examination is so difficult, how to work with the witnesses one has, the limits of what opposing counsel can ask ab... Read More

Media Management Strategies in Litigation
April 29, 2021 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will discuss the immense importance of how publicity and media attention can influence litigation and public opinion and how attorneys acting as counsel or as commentators in these cases can maximize the advantages while avoiding jeopardizing their standing and reputations while adva... Read More

FRE 902(13) and (14): Self-Authentication of ESI, Best Practices From 2021 Sedona Commenta...
April 21, 2021 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will guide litigators in using Federal Rules of Evidence 902(13) and (14) to have records derived from electronic sources admitted into evidence. The panel will discuss the scope of the rules, state analogs, and avoiding unexpected stumbling blocks when obtaining the necessary certif... Read More

Preliminary Injunction Litigation: Winning or Defeating Emergency Motions
Obtaining Pretrial Relief in Federal Court and Enforcing the Order Through...
July 21, 2020 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will cover the strategies and best practices for obtaining or opposing accelerated pre-trial relief and how to enforce a preliminary injunction or temporary restraining order (TRO). Injunctions are powerful tools to stop wrongdoing and preserve the dissipation of assets. But even the... Read More

Leveraging Depositions and Testimony From Prior Litigation as Evidence at Trial: FRCP 32 a...
Avoiding Redundant and Costly Depositions
July 7, 2020 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will take practitioners beyond the fundamentals of using depositions for impeachment and discuss when depositions from prior litigation may be introduced as substantive evidence. The webinar also will cover when to anticipate using a deposition in subsequent cases and how to lay a pr... Read More

Impact of New FRE 807 on Hearsay Evidence: New Residual Exception
May 12, 2020 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will alert trial lawyers to the new opportunities and challenges presented by the Dec. 1, 2019, amendment to Federal Rule of Evidence 807 regarding the residual exception to the hearsay rule. The amendment relaxes some of the barriers to the admission of hearsay, and counsel must be... Read More

Lay Opinion Testimony Under FRE 701: Admission and Exclusion Challenges
January 22, 2020 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will educate counsel as to the nuances of Federal Rule of Evidence 701, which attempts to define the parameters of admissible opinion evidence from lay witnesses. Trial lawyers who understand Rule 701 can use this powerful tool to expand the testimony of their own witnesses and restr... Read More

Voir Dire and Opening Statements: Influencing the Jury During and Immediately After Select...
January 7, 2020 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will provide litigators with critical tools for preparing voir dire and opening statements. Trial lawyers have the opportunity to influence potential jurors through creative and effective voir dire. Opening statements then allow the attorney to set the stage for the rest of the trial... Read More

Using Civil Conspiracy to Establish Vicarious Liability
Determining Evidence to Prove a Conspiratorial Agreement; Circumstantial Ev...
December 17, 2019 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will provide trial lawyers with detailed guidance on a valuable but underutilized tool to expand the scope of liability in a civil action: pleading and proving the existence of a conspiracy. This webinar will address, among other things, the many misconceptions about this powerful le... Read More

Collecting Arbitration Awards: Substantive and Procedural Aspects of Enforcement and Monet...
October 23, 2019 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will educate counsel as to the steps necessary to make an arbitration award something more than a piece of paper. Arbitrators lack the power to enforce their awards, therefore it is imperative that the victor know the necessary steps to follow to collect the spoils. These steps inclu... Read More

Admissibility of Evidence at Trial: Overcoming the Challenges of Authentication, Relevance...
April 25, 2017 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will provide trial counsel with best practices for getting evidence admitted at trial, authenticating the evidence, proving its relevancy, establishing foundation and overcoming hearsay objections. Read More

Social Media, Internet and Email Evidence at Trial: Admissibility of Electronic Evidence
Overcoming the Challenges of Authentication, Relevance and Hearsay to Get E...
February 28, 2017 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will provide trial counsel with best practices for getting social media evidence admitted at trial, authenticating the evidence, proving its relevancy, and overcoming hearsay objections. The program will also address ethical considerations that counsel must weigh when using social me... Read More

Leveraging Technology in the Courtroom: Planning and Creating Winning Digital Trial Presen...
Strategies for Using 3D Animation, Trial Software, iPads, Video, Mobile App...
July 7, 2016 CLE CLE On-Demand, Download
This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

This CLE course will provide trial counsel with strategies for effectively using technology in the courtroom. The panel will discuss how to create digital presentations that will capture and hold a jury's attention, integrate technology into examinations and arguments, and leverage data from wearabl... Read More